vArch Chinese Mobile (Beta)

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Enter Pinyin (with or without tones), English words, Chinese characters or words (simplified or traditional). Use v for ü and the number 5 for the neutral tone. e.g. savezhong, e,zhong1, da xue, nihao,ni3hao3, ni3 hao3,你好, 他 * good,, 子hao, shànghǎi, new year, lv, ma5, chang2 * wall, nǐ hǎo, 好 * teacher * ta1, ...summer...re4, 与其...不如..., ...winter...cold


Chinese English Dictionary

Radical Table    Pinyin Table
Enter Pinyin (with or without tones), English words, Chinese characters or words (simplified or traditional). Use v for ü and the number 5 for the neutral tone. e.g. savezhong, e,zhong1, da xue, nihao,ni3hao3, ni3 hao3,你好, 他 * good,, 子hao, shànghǎi, new year, lv, ma5, chang2 * wall, nǐ hǎo, 好 * teacher * ta1, huoche, 与其...不如..., ...winter...cold


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1. Integrated Chinese Reader (3rd Edition)

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2. New Practical Chinese Reader

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3. Practical Chinese Reader

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4. The New Chinese Proficiency Test (New HSK)

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*Handwriting Quick Tips:
1. If you do not know what the next stroke is, tap the light bulb button on the toolbar. The system will highlight the correct next stroke and play its name.
2. If you have no clue where to start, tap the film button on the toolbar. The system will play the stroke animation of the character and read it to you. On the animation screen, you can tap the character to animate the character stroke by stroke and listen to to the stroke names. After viewing the animation, tap the return button to navigate back to this handwriting screen.
3. When all the strokes of a character are written, swipe left the character box to write the next character and swipe right to rewrite the previous character. If you want to rewrite the current character, simply tap the character box.
4. If you want to adjust the handwriting recognition strictness or turn off the character outline, go to the Settings page to do so.
5. When you finish a character or a vocabulary, the system plays the pronunciation of the character or vocabulary automatically.


Syllable  Variations




2. Handwriting recognition strictness:

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Chinese Tone Drill


Usage Instructions:
This tool is designed to help you test and practice your knowledge of Mandarin Pinyin and tones. After you tap or click the Play button, the system randomly plays the native speaker recording of a Chinese character or word (character compound). Select one of the provided answers you think it is correct. You can play the recording multiple times before you select the answer. If you are still not sure, tap the light-bulb button on the toolbar to view the Pinyin and then tap Play button.

Once you are comfortable with the one-syllable characters, try multiple syllable words, which can help you understand not only the basic tones of Mandarin, but also the tone changes (also known as tone sandhi) in Chinese words. The Mandarin tone change rules are:
1. When a 3rd tone is followed by another 3rd tone, the first one becomes 2nd tone. For example, 你好(nǐhǎo => níhǎo).
2. When (one), which is 1st tone by itself, is followed by a 1st, 2nd or 3rd tone, it becomes 4th tone. For example, 一些(yīxiē => yìxiē).
3. When (one), which is 1st tone by itself, is followed by a 4th tone, it becomes 2nd tone. For example, 一半(yībàn => yíbàn).
4. When (no,not), which is 4th tone by itself, is followed by a 4th tone, it becomes 2nd tone. For example, 不要(bùyào => búyào).

Dictionaries, textbooks and web sites typically provide only the words’ original tones. During your multi-syllable drill session, if the word has a tone change, you can tap the word in the history list to listen to the changed tone again.


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